Ameribor? What is it and how will it help?
What is happening in America right now?
To get straight to the point. All banks around the world can borrow from their country Reserve banks or Central banks.
So how is money being create?
To put it very simple. Only one country in the world determines the value of money in the world. This country makes policies in a fair and equal way to make sure everyone gets paid and those who borrow will have to pay it back.
The country we are speaking about is the USA United States of America.
They are changing rapidly to make sure people in America are safe and the people who were corruption all over the world will be accountable. If they can’t keep them accountable they will most possibly leave the country alone, but also leave the citizens in those countries with mercy while trying to keep America afloat.
What is happening in America right now?
Donald Trump the President of America has a lot on his plates right now. What we could find out from the real news coming to the front in America…
America is deeply divided, but not in the way we may think of racism attacks. The racism attacks have nothing to do with ordinary people. The attacks are coming from within a wealthy few trying to control the country. President Trump is busy taking those who are accountable for the mess to court and they noticed a lot of things wrong. From export taxes being used against America.
So the changes have happened in a very swift manner.
What is Ameribor?
Ameribor will be the main lender (unsecured interbank – bank to bank) of the USD (United States Dollar) in the world like Ethereum or other blockchains) It is run on blockchain technology.
Ameribor is a replacement of the current lending Libor. Libor has shown some sort of problems in 2020. We can only assume it is to do with the corruption.
Fair lending will be conducted all over the world.
Corrupt rich and powerful?
You may not believe it, so hold on to your hats for this one. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and others we always looked up to.
Below you will find out what is going on in the country and why it is important for South Africa not to go down this path as well. We are one country and we need to start working on jobs for our people. Those who are not legally here should return to their countries and those who came legally can stay.
This is vital for SA (South Africa) and President Ramaphosa to take control of our great South Africa and stop corruption in our country. God bless South Africa.